Excerpt from “A Miracle Primer”

Doris Trinidad © Now and Lifetimes Ago 2000

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Photo by: RCabrera 2014

It all goes back to Oneness.

Go back to the serpent of the fruit

and the idyll of the lowest bower

When the One was thought to be sundered

which gave rise to the thought of the Other,

who for tedious time forgot who he was

and is. In truth nothing changed.

God is still Himself,

separation the myth that never was

and we are one.

If we can remember, and we will,

this world-that-is-not winds wearily on,

but we are tired of the fiction

we are created maimed

and all must die.


Wake up from the dream of an ancient blight

and recall that once and forever

we are kindred to light

born of the Father Who never forgot.


If we can remember,

and we will,

we shall know that no one who is of God

can hurt another nor hurt himself,

much more impossibly hurt God

Who knows nothing of the gargoyles we dream

and waits for our awakening.

The truth is it is we who await

our remembering.


A miracle did not happen yesterday

nor will it happen tomorrow

because Now is its only home . . .

When the miracle happens

it does not to you alone

but to others you may  not even know

and they will then bless you,

in countless circle of love.


let us create miracles every moment

to scatter on the unforgiven world.

Only this we need to say:

 Give me your blessing, holy Son of God;

 I would behold you with the eyes of Christ

and see my perfect sinlessness in you.


And thus arrive

where we have always been

the simulated journey wound,

where end has reached beginning

and remembering is full:

there is no need for miracles.

returning your gift

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